Chain Reaction Partners

Special thanks to our legal partner Gesmer Updegrove LLP
A multinational token fund focusing on digital asset investments and providing chain services including project incubation and brand promotion
A meetup for anyone interested in investing in the blockchain and cryptocurrency space
Fulgar Ventures invests in early stage startups
focused on Bitcoin and
the Lightning Network
A fund that serves as a bridge for traditional wall street capital allocators to emerging fintech opportunities powered by blockchain
Blockchain and AI Rising Syndicate co-invests with VC or notable angels via a single add on check
BBA supports, informs, promotes & advances blockchain innovation & entrepreneurs in Greater Boston
JCM supports leading technology startups with strong cross-border potential and excellence in innovation and execution
A blockchain consulting and incubation service provider in North America with developer relations at its core
A Boston meetup for
Distributed Ledger Technology entrepreneurs, traders and investors
An educational meetup focused on learning about investment opportunities in blockchain startups and cryptocurrency
A global media platform that builds your blockchain audience
A VC fund focused on early stage technology startups, especially in B2B and enterprise software, IoT, and healthcare